Thursday, July 9, 2009

Crawling & First Tooth

7/9/09 Gracie, you are such a little honey to mommy! I completely adore you! You are everywhere with your crawling, and now pulling up onto furniture. Just yesterday7/8/09 you showed Daddy and I that you can now crawl up the stairs - which put us in panic mode “We have to baby proof - gates, cabinet locks, cleaning supplies up high.”

You got your first tooth 6/26/09 the day Daddy arrived to our new home.

You have been adored by many since we’ve been here - your Grandparents and Great Aunts and Uncles have loved on you.

You are beginning to enjoy having me read you books. Your hair is getting thicker and blonder, although it is still a light reddish brown with blonde highlights.

You are still nursing in the morning when you wake up, but seem to have weaned yourself from nursing at other times of the day - as you prefer the bottle at those times. You love to be on the ground crawling around, rather than strapped down.

You’re such a terrific little eater for mommy! You refuse all baby food, and love strawberries, bread, cereal, bananas, crackers and pretty much anything that we offer you. Love you baby girl! I can’t believe tomorrow you are going to be 10 months old - the time has just flown by!!!

Our new home

Clay Clay the Wonder Boy,

Well buddy, we have moved into our new home. The first two weeks were just you, Gracie, and I. We sure missed Daddy until he finishes work and gets to our new home. It is about a 5 hour drive.

You love your new Geotrax train we have set up in the sunroom and have played hours and hours out there. Your little sister is like baby Tarzan on the train tracks, but you let her play beside you anyway. I think you like her company. The two of you sit and scream at one another back and forth - happy loud squeals. You are so sweet with Gracie.

The other day she was crying and you went up to her and asked “What’s wrong Gracie?” in a very concerned voice. Another time she had wedged herself between the wall and a chair and you asked, “What’s wrong Gracie? Are you stuck? I’ll help you.”

The day we moved in you slept in your big boy bed for the first time. You asked me many times “I snuggle you mommy,” and I crammed my large adult self into your little toddler bed and cuddled you until you fell fast asleep. You love to have your Thomas the Train nightlight and Fish turning light on while you go to sleep. Often, in the mornings, I hear you playing for an hour or so before you ask to come out of your room. You are getting to be such an independent little guy!

We are working on Potty Training, but have not had much success yet. You are sometimes willing to sit on the potty and have earned about 8 stickers on your chart since we moved in for sitting on the potty - but no pee pee in the potty yet. We’ll keep working on it.

You are so adorable the way you are starting to memorize our meal time prayer and bed time prayer - hearing you pray in your tiny innocent little voice is so beautiful. I love you bud! Good night little super hero.