Monday, October 12, 2009

H1N1 Swine Flu, Standing, and Giggling with Brother

My Grace, you sure are giving Mama a scare. You have the H1N1 Swine Flu and they have put you on Tamiflu, an anti-viral medication. You are finished with your medicine tomorrow morning, and still have a slight fever and a terrible chesty cough. You are much better than you were though, as you wouldn’t babble or crawl for an entire day. You only cried and wanted to be held. You poor baby girl! I am going to take you back to the doctor tomorrow morning so they can be sure your lungs are clear.

You are hitting some developmental milestones! You are standing on your own now. Just two days ago you patty-caked your hands for the first time. I have been trying to teach you patty cake for a long time, and it is so exciting to see you clapping your little hands together grinning from ear to ear with pride. You are so adorable, the way you are so proud of your accomplishment! So happy and full of joy, like always. You are also starting to walk around holding onto one finger on each of my hands.

And you are into everything! Into all of mommy’s drawers, racing through the baby gate and up the stairs whenever it is left open, and just today you got into the garbage can - pulled out a piece of pizza - and started eating it. You are so fast!

Mommy is worn out by the end of the day from chasing after cute little you! You and your brother are really enjoying each other. You love to crawl as fast as you can and chase him around the room. The two of you have staring contests, and then you both just start hysterically giggling! Those moments melt Mama’s heart!

Preschool/Daycare Tues and Thursdays

Clayton, Hi buddy! You just started preschool last week. Tomorrow will be your third day. You are going on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I am so proud of you, you are getting to be such a big boy! You are so much fun and so smart!

You love reading books, playing trains, playing on the computer with Mommy, and driving your trucks and riding your motorcycle around the house. You are an excellent big brother to your little sister. Always kissing her on the head and saying “Love you Gracie.” I am so proud of you! You are starting to be able to put your arms in your shirt and help me get you dressed.
You are also working on learning to brush your own teeth and you help me transfer the laundry from the washer to the dryer. You are still a very picky eater and that has Mommy concerned, I want to be sure you get all the nutrients your growing body needs!

I love you so much buddy! Each night we read 3 - 6 books in the rocking chair, then you get in your bed and we sing a made-up song about Thomas the Train characters. “Thomas is going down the track, down the track, down the track, Thomas is going down the track, where is ______. (You fill in the blank with another train character. - Percy for example. Then we sing about that train character. Finally we end with - ) Clayton is snuggled in his bed, in his bed, in his bed, Clayton is snuggled in his bed, Night Night Clayton.
You also like to say your prayers “Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep, Guide me all through the night and wake me with the morning light. Amen.” You pray at meal time also. We all hold hands, close our eyes, and you say “God is Great, God is Good, and we thank Him for our food. Amen.” You make us laugh because if someone at the table doesn’t have their eyes closed you say “You wanna close your eyes. . . “ and then you start the prayer over.

We are working on potty training, but you seem a little frightened to eliminate in the potty. You are very stubborn about using the potty, sometimes screaming that you do not want to use it! When you do sit on the potty, you enjoy Mommy reading you books - but don’t seem interested in actually putting any potty in the potty chair. We’ll keep working on it buddy - I know we’ll get it. I love you very much!