Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Hi little sweet girl! You are getting so tall babe! I was just looking at you today thinking - wow, how did she get to be such a big girl? You were adorable today, dressed in soft pink corduroy overall bibs with a caterpillar appliqué, paired with a matching button up sweater with a caterpillar. http://s0.ilike.com/play#Veggie+Tales:This+Little+Light+Of+Mine:1193426:s29838116.13745475.3895.0.2.149%2Cstd_51a22088d5224be4b4523bcd2f4dc9bfIn your hair you had pigtails with curly-que ribbons that matched perfectly. But the thing that made you the most adorable was the little personality and darling girl those fancy clothes were wrapped around.

You have this way of looking at people, you squint your eyes and tilt your head and then squeeze your cheeks as if to say “Love ya.” It melts hearts!!! (including Mommy’s). You love pushing around a little pink stroller Mommy got for you - it is so adorable! You are learning to use a spoon to eat yogurt and apple sauce, what a smart little girl you are! You’ve also learned how to throw a fit and demand “COOKIE” in reference to an animal cracker from the cookie jar. Your favorite time to do this is when the telephone rings - too funny darling!

You really are enjoying being read books and love to talk about and identify head, nose, ears, mouth, cheek, chin, hair on yourself, Mommy, and your baby doll. Sooo smart!!! You have also picked up on the different songs I sing to you and hum phrases from the tunes. When I play a bible story morning song CD in the mornings at breakfast and “This little light of mine, I’m going to let it shine” plays - you do the cutest thing - you hold your little finger up (your light) and start dancing!
Precious baby!

As I am writing this journal you are crying in your crib. You never wake much in the night. I just went and rocked, cuddled you, and played with your curly locks for over half of an hour. Poor baby, you pooped today and started bleeding. Your stool was soft, but perhaps you passed something that cut you? I think you now have a sore bottom and it is waking you up. Hopefully you are feeling better in the morning, or I may want to take you to the doctor. I hate when you hurt sweetie. All my love - Mama.

Growing up to be a big boy!


Clayton, Wow Buddy - you are growing up to be such a big boy! You are learning to do all sorts of things! We have a little nightly routine where you take a bath, put your clothes in the hamper, put on your pajamas, and read books.

I am sooo incredibly proud of you. You are really making such huge strides in your learning and you have such a truly endearing personality. You are expanding what you enjoy doing. Although you still enjoy your trains very much, you love so many other things. You love jumping on your trampoline, riding on your tricycle, doing flips in the living room, building tents with blankets, painting, puppet shows, reading books - Barney stories have been your favorite as of lately, cooking, playing hide and seek, tickling and giggling with Gracie, and you still enjoy watching cartoons or movies - especially Veggie Tales.

Just last week you pooped on the potty for the first time - and it was in a public place - WOW! That was so brave! We were at the Recreation Center and you went poopy in a grown up toilet with Daddy. You had a Taekwondo class at the Rec Center, and afterward you went to Walmart with Poppy R. and Daddy to select a train of your choice as a reward for pooping in the potty. Good Job Buddy! You have not pooped in the potty since, but I know you will again soon. You have also been doing an excellent job going pee pee in the potty - you have even been going pee pee at your preschool.

I am also so impressed with they way you have taken to Taekwondo. The first class you cried, wouldn’t take your shoes off, and wouldn’t get off of my lap. By the third class, you were standing with the rest of the kids and Daddy was helping you do the motions. By the fourth class, you asked to have an “outfit” (Taekwondo uniform) and you completed the entire 45 minute class by yourself. You are just 3 years old and I think most of the other students in the class are closer to 5 and 6 years old. You are just a phenomenal little boy!

Your temper tantrums have decreased in length and frequency, although you do still surprise me from time to time with an outburst or fit. We’ll keep working on your frustrations and managing your emotions bud. Mommy loves you way more than I can ever express in this journal. I love love love you baby!