Tuesday, June 8, 2010

My goodness little one, you are already 2 months old! How quickly time passes. You are growing up so big! You are still very long and lean, but filling out some in your face. You can hold your head up by yourself somewhat – although you are still in need of some support. You like to look around now, and especially love our faces! You have begun to coo, which just melts my heart . . . as do your endearing smiles at Daddy and I! How did we get to be so lucky to be your parents, darling!

You are an absolutely perfect little girl, so darling! Your hair is a beautiful auburn red, and you get many compliments on it! Your eyes are a dark blue color right now. I can’t snuggle with you enough!! I love to rub your little soft downy hair on your head too.

You are a great sleeper at night – sleeping 8 or more hours, what a dream! You like to be swaddled tightly to sleep at night, and you look so precious and tiny all wrapped up! You are starting to enjoy swinging in your baby swing, and also to lie on your back and look up at toys hanging over head. You get excited, and kick your feet and flail your hands while you are looking at the toys dangling above you! I am so thankful and awestruck at the wondrous and precious gift you are, we sure are blessed from God with you!

You and Mommy have thrush, a very common thing for breast fed babies and their mom’s to get. Grace got it too, as she took your pacifier and put it in her own mouth several times. The medicine for it has to be taken 4 times a day, and hopefully it will go away. Unfortunately it has a tendency to re-occur. Hopefully that is not the case for us. We just got home from a long trip to Georgia. Your second trip baby girl! Your first trip was 5 hours long, when you were 2 weeks old. On this trip to Georgia you were about 7 weeks old. We stopped in Tennessee on the way down and stayed at a hotel. Then, we stayed the night at your Great-grandma Bebe’s house. Next, we went to a Resort near where we stayed for 2 nights for Uncle Dan and Aunt Jenna's wedding.

You were beloved by all of your great-aunts and great-great-aunts – they all wanted to hold and snuggle you! You were a big hit, especially with Daddy’s Grandma Grace (not actually his relation, but a neighbor of his when he was a child). She held you a lot during the bridesmaid’s luncheon. Your great-aunts Bridget, Sharon, Melissa and Cynthia were very fond of you – as was great-great Aunt Delene. For the wedding you wore Clayton’s Christening gown – you looked like a living doll, so so beautiful – like an angel sent straight from heaven. On the way home from our trip we stopped at the Zoo. It was soooo wonderful to be home!

Nothing Small About Grace!

Oh my goodness sweet Grace – you are so wonderful! As Daddy said the other day, there is nothing small about our little Gracie – she is big on the height charts and she has a big personality! You are so naturally happy and joyful and it is a blessing to everyone around you! You have bouncing ringlet curls that look too perfect and adorable to be natural, but they are all yours babe! You have the most beautiful eyes, and little round cherry cheeks that bounce when you laugh. You are so adorable!!! Your personality is so incredibly engaging, you are already so savvy at manipulation (which is a skill mommy hopes you learn to use for good in the world).

You are most definitely in the toddler stage. You are fearless and sometimes defiant. You like to run away from us, or generally in any direction we don’t want you to. You are into hitting and sometimes biting – ouch.

A funny story, the other day you and I were in a fancy baby store, and you were running away from me and I kept catching you and bringing you back next to me. One of the times you ran away you ran into a woman – and then you started whacking her with your hitting – she looked at you in shock, and rather than shy away when you discovered it wasn’t me – you just gave her a little smirk grin that said “ha ha lady, you don’t scare me!” Too funny baby girl.

You are just my wild little angel. You definitely worry me. I have had to put baby locks on all of the outdoor doors, as you and Clayton try to tag team open the doors and escape our home. You also have some sort of natural honing device inside you (it is hereditary, as your brother did this too) that sends you running straight for the street whenever you get a chance – if we are at a park, for example. We will harness and bridle some of that wild spirit and wrangle it and use it for the greater good! That is my hope and prayer for you, sweet child.

You are still my sweet baby girl, and sometimes still seem like a baby to me when you suck your thumb and say “hold you” when you want me to hold you, and say “night night” when you want me to take you upstairs and rock you to sleep.

We recently went on a trip to Uncle Dan and Aunt Jenna’s wedding. On the way down we stayed at a few hotels, and you and Daddy snuggled in one bed while Mommy and Clayton snuggled in the other. Little Emma slept in her co-sleeper right beside Mommy. You and Daddy looked so sweet cuddled up together!