Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Piggy-tails & Lightening


Gracie, I can hardly believe in a week or so that you will not be my “baby,” but rather a big sister. You are so tiny and precious and still such a baby! I love watching you prance around in your little pigtails and bows and saying “milky” or “book.” You are mommy’s angel girl. You are so fun to take to the store to grocery shop, or to a mommy’s group and just show you off. You are just so darn precious and it’s fun to share you with others! You are really starting to love reading books – you especially prefer the realistic picture books. You like to point to each object on the pages and have me tell you what each thing is “apple” “tree” “boy” “cow” etc. You love using your finger to point, and sometimes you will repeat the word after me. You have memorized or learned some of the words in your books, and will tell me what they are – such a smart baby!

You are getting so fast- Mommy's lightening bolt! Today, I was trying to help clean up at my Mommy Club Group, and when I would set you down you would dash in any direction exploring the newfound territory . . . so I of course would race after you and had trouble keeping up. So fast! Obviously Mommy wasn’t very efficient at helping with the clean-up.

You also currently love naming and pointing to yours, and others, body parts. “Hair – bow – ear – nose – tummy, etc.” You have a way of smiling at people that just engages them with you. So charismatic and charming babe! You also have some looks that are hilarious and crabby! So funny!

You are not feeling awesome; I think you have a little virus on top of your ear infection. Hopefully the ear infection is cleared up – as you finished your antibiotic today. You have had a nasty cough and Daddy has given you two albuteral treatments to help you breathe before you have gone to sleep the last two nights.

Yesterday afternoon your cough got so hacky, that you actually threw up your oranges and then some from breakfast. Poor baby. We both had puke on our shirts, and were getting dressed when the doorbell was ringing. That was a little crazy : ) Tylenol seems to help, and hopefully you will feel better soon – you took a great nap today, so I’m hoping the rest helps to heal you precious girl.

Tae Kwon Do

Hey buddy. You are doing such a great job growing from a toddler into a little boy. You are attending preschool twice a week and are starting to tell on your teachers when they put you in time out, or tell on your classmates when they take a toy of yours. I love hearing about your day! You also tell us which teachers and friends you enjoy, and that is so fun to hear.

You really enjoy taekwondo and are so cute about putting on your uniform on Tuesday and Thursday nights. You are the youngest and smallest kiddo at Taekwondo and just adorable – I am SO proud you are my son!

We have been reading lots of books about having a “new baby” in our house and you have been telling people that “there is a baby in Mommy’s tummy” and that you are having a sister. You are given a choice each night of which book you’d like us to read . . . or two or three books, and you always choose the book about the new baby.

While I read it to you, you point to the bigger sibling and say “that is Clayton” and to the baby and say either “that is Gracie, or that is the new baby.” You love mommy to sing "Lullabye and Goodnight" at bed time. As we were praying the other night, you prayed for Mommy, Daddy, Gracie, and the baby in Mommy’s tummy. You melt my heart son!

We went to the park a few days ago and you played for an hour and a half in the sand with your bus and shovel and digger. You are a doll boy! You want to kiss your sister, Gracie, each morning and each night. What a great big brother you are.