Thursday, December 17, 2009

Baby-zilla on Wheels

Grace, you have become Mommy’s “Baby-zilla” - - you are walking and even running everywhere and are into everything. I can hardly keep up with you darling! You are very adventurous, brave and mischievous. Some of your favorite stunts are to empty out any drawer or cupboard you can get into, unroll the toilet paper, take your brothers toys he is playing with and run, and open toilets and splash in them. You are so hilarious! Just exploring everything these days.

You are also such a sweetheart. When either Daddy or I are gone and return home, you run to us arms outstretched and want to be hugged and held. You love to make sweet little faces back and forth with us. You also like to hold your dolls and give them hugs. It melts me to see you being so affectionate and nurturing.

A funny thing about you at this age is that you are starting to prefer Daddy over me. It is really very sweet, and I don’t mind. I love to see you love Daddy!

On our family Christmas Santa brought you four baby dolls and you adore one in particular. She is a little pink Middleton doll named Hailey.

We had your 15 month check up at the doctor two days ago and you received four shots, and cried the saddest cry Mama has ever heard. It broke my heart, but thankfully you recovered very quickly. The doctor says you are growing and healthy! I love you so much sweetie.

Clayton's 3rd Birthday and PDD-NOS Diagnosis

Clay Clay the Wonder Boy,

Wow bud, what a whirl wind things have been lately. Mommy asked the pediatrician for an appointment with a specialist to help with your picky eating. I have been worried that you won’t get the proper nutrition you need to grow to be a big and strong guy. Through that appointment we were sent to have you tested for the autism spectrum.

You were diagnosed with PDD-NOS, although they stated that at another clinic you may not have been diagnosed. The team of psychologists stated that you are very mild, but do have some symptoms and with a diagnosis you can get more services to help you learn and grow. If you were older, the doctors said they would most likely have diagnosed you with Asperger's. We have spent a lot of time in various doctors’ offices and waiting rooms since then, however, I think after all these initial appointments, this should slow down a bit. It looks like we’ll be seeing an occupational therapist to help with sensory skills as you may not be interpreting all of your sensory cues, a speech therapist to help with social communication, a feeding therapist to help you broaden your food choices, and a behavioral therapist to help with tantrums. You have been such a good boy through all of this, and I am so proud of you. Everyone comments on how bright and friendly you are! I agree, you are an amazing little guy.

For your birthday we celebrated with three candles on your cake and ice cream. You did a great job huffing and puffing to blow out your candles. You received a basketball hoop and a soccer ball, along with some cars for your birthday. On our family Christmas morning, Santa Claus came and left you a giant train table that makes all kinds of sounds as you go around the tracks.
You LOVE it, and have been playing with it constantly. Grace tries to play with you, but you get upset at her disrupting the tracks. It was delightful to have your birthday and Christmas this year, as you are now at an age where you understand what it is all about and get so excited! You love the presents and the songs, the ornaments, and the tree. And I love you!