Thursday, April 15, 2010

Girly-Girl in Fairy Wings, Trip to the ER

Hi my sweetest little Gracie!

You are getting so big so fast! You are my little girly girl. This morning I put fairy wings on you and we danced and giggled in front of Mommy’s bedroom mirror together while Daddy watched us. Sure wish I could freeze those moments and keep them forever!

You gave Mommy and Daddy quite a scare the other day – you were up all night long crying and we rocked and rocked you and it didn’t seem to help. The next morning (Friday) I took you to the pediatricians. You had an inner ear infection in your right ear and the start of an ear infection in your left. Poor girl! They gave you an antibiotic.

A few hours later were were home and you were shaking on and off, and you were very hot. Your temperature was 105.3 degrees. I was worried and called the pediatrician’s office and the nurse said to call 911. The paramedics said you were probably be okay as your fever had dropped to 103.8 with Tylenol. They said we could either take you to the emergency room ourselves, let them take you, or give you medicine every 4 hours to keep your fever down and take you in if you got any worse or if your fever went back up – they thought all would be reasonable options. We decided to take you in ourselves and have you checked out. Nahna was with us and Daddy met us in the ER. You were fine, and the doctors determined that the shakes were not concerning and not seizures. We were so glad at the good news for you! You have continued to be out of sorts and have a fever for a few days, but seem to gradually be getting more of your typical spunk back.

You are so cute with your new sister Emma Elizabeth. She is now 2 weeks old and you love to touch her and kiss her. You point out her hair, eyes, hands, feet so proudly and just today you said her name, Emma, rather than calling her Baby as you had been. You are still a baby yourself, at only 19 months old sweetie!

You have the most clear and beautiful sky-colored eyes, sweet rosy cheeks, and the most darling curls in your hair. I put bows in your hair each day, and you seem to like them. I love you so much!

You are really taking an interest in reading books now and in learning new things. One of your favorite things to do is play with all of your brother’s toys, the “forbidden” ones that he doesn’t want you to touch, when he is away at school. You are too funny darling! You and Clayton continue to be each other’s best friends. You also have your spats, but overall, I truly believe you’d be lost without each other. It does my heart so much good to watch you two giggling and playing together.

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